Social Skills Training

Smart Scholars provides social skills training to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities. The focus of the program is to increase the child’s overall ability to: Recognize and interpret verbal and non-verbal communication; Develop appropriate peer relationships; Assist individuals with improvement in social interactions by expanding their interest in age appropriate topics, toys and play skills.

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Behavior Intervention Plans

Behavior Intervention Plans are developed from a Functional Behavior Assessment. Behavior Intervention Plans increase the acquisition and use of new alternative skills, decrease the problem behavior and facilitate general improvements in the quality of life of the individual, his or her family, and members of the support team.

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Verbal Behavior Therapy

Verbal Behavior Therapy teaches communication and language using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and the theories of behaviorist B.F. Skinner. The intervention focuses on the understanding of why we use words to communicate and how we connect words with their purpose. This type of therapy focuses on four language types or operants: mand, tact, intraverbal and echoic.

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